December 27, 2011


Language is the most important part of language make up the culture of nation. Continuously, the language is a social tool that is able to render the society has an identity. Through communication by members of the community languages served as means of communication that shows a person's identity and character, high low quality communication oral or writing someone can be seen from the language used. The better language used in communication by speakers an writers, then the easier it all listeners and readers get the intent of the message. Conversely, if the speaker or writers uses language that is even incompatible with random sentence structure that is supposed to be, then the interpretation of the meaning of the phrase would be other than what it wants and not infrequently will give rise to conflict and violence.

Use of improper language often gives rese to a conflict, because every word into an expression containing the meaning and significance that have formed on the basis of the perception and interpretation of the people involved in the communicaton process. In accuracy of choice words used will result in a perception that does not match the expectations of the comunican. Misperception will be a major obstacle in the process of communication, when the barriers are not properly managed, it will give rise to conflict, hostility and even war.

Language is a breath in the communication, because there is no communication in any situation of language as the prod. Therefore, the language is an important part of life. People cannot live without language because in every human life is related to the language. Being so close ties of language and man, some of us tend to be less aware of the language used. One way to increase awareness of the language is learning the language.

Language and identity of the language are very closely related to it's user. Even the language can represent the identity of it's users. Spoken words from the mouth of a person can give you an idea of character, personality, attitudes and outlook on life. If a person uses abusive language and therefore tend to have rough character anyway. Otherwise, if use polite language, and therefore tend to have a polite character anyway. thus the need for awareness of good language and be able to represent the image of self and our character as polite and civilized nation.

December 24, 2011


The last convoy had left the US Army, Iraq sunday yesterday, ending the U.S invansion for nearly nine years. After such a long stay in iraq, it's hard to say whether the US Mission has specialised in iraq or the middle east safer or more dangerous. War AS it was launched in March 2003 with primary mission Dropping of Saddam Hussein. The legalization of christianity with allegations of Saddam Hussein had a nuclear bomb and weapons of mass destruction as well as collaborating with the Al-Qaeda terror group. But until the final withdrawal of u.s. forces, nuclear bomb was never found. Proof Saddam was once associated with Al-Qaeda did not exist, create it as war really illegal war in the eyes of international law. The war has killed tens of thousands of citizens of Iraq and claimed the lives of more than 4,500 u.s. troops, making it into a war that was so bad for the u.s. after the Vietnam war. Now that war and seemed to have ended. The question naturally arises: Who wins in this war and who are benefited with withdrawal of u.s. troops. The party that most benefited from the withdrawal of u.s. troops in Iraq this U.s. President Barack Obama. This withdrawal is seen as the fulfillment of the promise to Obama in the campaign in 2007. In his campaign said Obama did repeatedly plegde to bring home US troops from Iraq as soon as possible. This moment of the return of the US army seems to be delibeartely selected by Obama, to coincide with his return he announced himself to run for u.s. President for his second times.

But when the withrawal of u.s. troops it gives happiness to many. US residents, is not the case with the country that their leaves. Although U.S. officials repeatedly said that their left Iraq with responsibility, but the realty on the gorund is not the case. The US leaving Iraq with a chaotic condition turned upside down, just like Al-colonial Nations in the era of 1945 which left the country of their possessions to the chaotic conditions turned upside down.

Saddam Hussein indeed has fallen. But Iraq without Saddam Hussein apparently is not Iraq a peaceful, both to Iraq itself as well as fot the Middle East. Iraq has now been incarnated into country with the sectarian violence that was terrible. Until u.s. forces left Iraq, sectarian violence between Syiah and Sunni groups, the Kurds have not managed to put out. The security circumstances Iraq when the US leaves the country, it is very severe. Iraq's security forces, both military and police, is still far from being able to secure the country.

The more appalling is Iraq now becomes a place of spawning (breeding ground) global terrorists. The invasion of Iraq have given US to spray oil to the fire surge of terrorism. The United States invansion of Iraq that aim to eradicated terrorism on the other hand has now turned into a mission of fostering terrorism. The US left Iraq at a time when the spirit of terrorism still and more fertile.