June 16, 2011

Development of Late Childhood

To obtain a place in social groups, older children must complete various tasks in the development. Mastery of the development tasks are no longer the responsibility of parents as in pre-school years. Now the control is also the responsibility of teachers and a small portion becomes the responsibility of the group of friends of friends. For example, the development of this basic skill , such as reading, writing, numeracy and the development of attitudes toward social groups and institutions is the responsibility of teachers and parents. Although parents can help lay the basis adjustment of children with stew their friends, but became a member of the group provides a great opportunity to gain learning experiences. Sexual maturity boys are slower than girls, so that the childhood experienced by older children. therefore it makes sense and assume that mastery of the development tasks boy better and more mature than girls. However, only little evidence to support this, in fact evidence shows that girls are more mature in the same age. This is due to more girls in the guide and are supervised by adults than boys to have a better opportunity to master the tasks of development.


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