Since the enactment of Functional Health Outreach Society (PKM) in 2001 to the present, many activities that do item PKM Functional Experts and Skilled central and local governments can not be accommodated in the provision of grain activities listed in SK Menpan No.58/Kep / Men. PAN/8/2008.
Functional Extension of Public Health (PKM) is determined by the Decree of State Minister of State Apparatus (PAN) No.58/Kep/Men.PAN/8/2000 on August 14, 2000. Based on the decision letter State Personnel Board by letter dated C.26-14/V.19-5/14 No. 4 October 2001 approves the appointment of Functional Experts and Skilled PKM through inpassing.
As for the Extension of public health is an effort to provide a learning experience or create conditions for individuals, groups and communities in different order by opening lines of communication, provide educational information and commits to increase the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour by means of conducting advocacy, fostering community empowerment movement, mood, develop abilities and skills of individuals, as well as direct service that give priority to preventive and promotif efforts. As for the main purpose of activity of the extension is increasing the ability of society to behave in a clean and healthy living.Performance of community health workers remains a major public health standards. This is evidenced by the provision that the promotion of health at the health center is a type of mandatory health care and comes out at first. Even public health education is one of the criteria in the standard of quality health service delivery. In Act No. 17 of 2007 on the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJP-N) in 2005-2025 established that the national health development is directed to increase the awareness, willingness and ability to live a healthy life for everyone to increase as high as the high degree of public health can be realized .
Therefore the role of community health educators absolutely must be implemented, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of central and local governments to support the realization of national health development goals.
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