August 01, 2011

Indonesia Asia Corrupt Repository

Predicate Indonesia as a repository of deeds in Asia until now still attached. Just look at the survey results of Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), an agency based in Hong Kong, as well as the last data offered by Transparency International (TI), a Research Institute based in Germany, says that the corruption perceptions index-CPI (Corruption Perception Index) Indonesia is still very low, i.e. with the position value of 2.8 (range index between 0 to 10, where a value of 0 are perceived very corruptthe value 10, \ and very clean and the IPK Indonesia with Iraq again in the prolonged conflict caused by lust dera greedy leaders. Then called Indonesia deserves a Corrupt Repository, while neighbouring Singapore Asia transit the deeds in even with the three major indexes 9.2, Indonesia as a whole, was in the No. 110 of 178 countries. Indonesia is still far from Rwanda, Liberia, and Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also lost away from Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt

Comitment the Government projected Decline of corruption just lie, try to imagine a big party that in fact the leader of the Indonesia corruption kadernya did the budget BUDGET alone until recently there has been no meaningful results when the case has become public meals, other political parties are now sitting in the House was not much different. No political party truly encyclopedia not engage in corruption. So it is not much different from the political elite, the same thing is done also by the bureaucrats State and a variety of large corporations. This situation is frankly makes our eyes open, that Regime SBY-Boediono, elite-elite politics and ruling political party has shown his real face, which did not have the seriousness and commitment in the fight against corruption.  

Therefore, all the people of Indonesia called for continued resistance to the regime of SBY-Boediono, who has been demonstrating real not serious in fighting corruption. SBY-Boediono regime has been proven to fail in combating corruption, and has betrayed the trust of millions of Indonesian people, especially those that have been chosen.


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