August 11, 2011

Children's Right

Children are a gift of God Almighty, that makes parents happy. Children are blessings from God, must be grateful. Notice and provide the right - the right child is a form of gratitude as well as performing his obligations as a person.Since the child in his mother's womb, parents should have noticed. Prospective husband or father must provide for the child in the womb. While the mother, must provide the best nutrition for its content, maintaining the health and well-behaved so as not to decrease bad habits on the prospective child. Then, once baby born obliged to show his excitement, however, the child's circumstances. Because children have a right living. Thus. Not justified baby killed by abortion whether it is due to pregnancy outside marriage or unwilling to have children aborted because more than two or three.In addition, the State shall facilitate the family to be able to provide children's rights. Prosperity is the key. The state must ensure the welfare of the family so there will be no parents because of poverty ignores the rights - the right children. Countries are also obliged to prevent children from bad situations in the streets, economic exploitation, violence, neglect and discrimination. Children's right to life and growth and development must be fulfilled.

The fact that children are displaced progressively each year. In fact, the fate of children is not clear. They are, do not get the fulfillment of the staples in the form of food, clothing, and a decent home.Not a few of them left to do is asusila (pornography and pornoaksi). Even among them there are victims and perpetrators of these unscrupulous actions.Education is the right of every child, turned out to only be felt in some children. This proved to be still a lot of children who have access to school and not least also the feel of dropouts due to constrained in funding.The country made the children of this land eroded, blurred even lost his authority. None of the rights of the child guaranteed life when in content, obtain a living, security, education, the right to health, and rights to obtain good treatment. This is the very essence of democracy is being sheer regulator. There is no exact solution given by the country. Finally, future generations as a victim.


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