July 14, 2011


Global warming continues to roll as important issues to be aware of in all parts of the world, including developing countries such as Indonesia.Since the industrial revolution of the 18th century, fossil fuels such as kerosene and coal plays an important role in everyday human activity. Ironically, the way energy from the mining process to consume impact the damage to the surrounding environment, both air pollution, land and sea. Starting from the initial process of mining the impact of tree felling in the forests to clear land mines into the area or destruction of coral reefs to offshore mining, until the mining operation, excavation or drilling. All activities that are very destructive and exploitative. Environmental destruction continues in the distribution process. Even until the late stage, namely the use of fossil energy in everyday human activities, such as power generation, the use of motor vehicles, until a tool for cooking. In addition to the impact of air pollution has been associated with health and environmental damage resulting from the process of salinization (acidification). In the opening stages of mining land, oil, gas, and coal, are generally used in addition to logging the way is the burning of the forest.Other forms of air pollution from mining activities is gas flaring. In the mining of petroleum, there is usually about 7% -8% of natural gas as by-products. Because the numbers are very small, will have no economic value if the gas must be processed, then it must be burned. The burned gas is called gas flaring, could lead to pollution of controlled release of methane and carbon dioxide gas. Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming problem and result in climate change. Climatic irregularity will have broad impact on weather conditions, seasons cycle, and damage to the social system as a negative impact on agricultural land, plantation, fishery, which in turn can lead to food crisis.


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